Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Searching For Survivor Blogs

This blog is meant to be really just a portal into my main online journal at www.withdissonance.net. But it also allows me to keep an account with blogger and network with others in the blogger community. I'm looking for as many other survivors with blogs dedicated to their healing journey's as I can. For any blogger accounts, I would like to add them here, as well as at my main homepage (almost half of the 45 blogs I've located thus far have been through blogger!). So, in case I don't contact you first, feel free to email me at anistar@dissonance.net and I can check out your blog, and hopefully you can check out mine. I think it will help us, as survivors, to keep in touch with one another - each of whom are in a similar place - to join together and be supported through our individual experiences and strengths.

Hope Sent,
~ Ani

My New Website

As a survivor of childhood abuse I will never again be defined merely by my fight to survive. While once haunted by a past that seemed destined to destroy me, through my transcendance, the only fight left now is in reaching out. If I can touch those still lost in the same senseless misery that once consumed my world, I want to give them hope that they’re worth saving. No matter what we as human’s are up against, freeing ourselves is a choice that its up to each of us to make. Otherwise we leave behind all that we are, abandoning ourselves behind a mask of self preservation; a mask that only imprisons us in the end.

This is my voice. I’m not heard only because I’m out of hearing range. My journaling is where I’ll most often be expressing my feelings about my life events, hopes, dreams, and day-to-day existence. Following my journal are pages to the poetry, essays, and articles that I’ve written.

To read more, please stop by:
